Odd-even scheme for private vehicles started from January 1 in the capital. Arvind kejriwal led Delhi government implemented the odd-even scheme for movement of vehicles from January 1 to Jan 15 on a trial basis as part of its efforts to curb air pollution in the national capital.
Under this add/even scheme, private cars having odd registration numbers will be allowed to ply on odd dates and those with even numbers on even dates.
Delhi government released approximateley 4000-5000 buses in delhi and also increase the capacity of the metro by 15-20 percent.Now the question rise ,As the odd-even scheme for cars in delhi continues, more and more passengers are opting for car-pooling and public transport to reach their destinations.
According to the source, the major carpooling app saw 66 per cent growth in the number of seats available in Delhi-NCR this week compared to last week.
There is more than 60 % of total population of delhi NCR are employees. Due to odd even scheme they are also facing a lots of problems.
Now the question arises how an carpooling is beneficial for an employee and employer. By doing carpool an employee can save fuel and car vehicle maintenance cost. Also an employer can lower his transportaion cost with the help of carpool.
GreenCar is Indias first carpooling NGO. Join greencar initiative to reduce traffic congestion and pollution on roads.