Car pooling, also known as ride share, liftshare which can save you big bucks on gas, wear and tear, fuel on your vehicle and reduce all associated nasty environmental impact. According to statistics published on The Rideshare Company website an average indian spends over 450 hours driving every year. In a single year , a passenger car emits around 10000 pounds of carbon dioxide, 600 pounds of carbon monoxide and consumes 550 gallons of gasoline. But this is only about a single passenger car.
Carpooling is the practice of more than one passenger traveling in a single car. In some cities many roads have designated carpool locations where a car owner and a seeker can join. You can even get together with some employees in your company and start your own carpooling. In some metro cities like gurgaon, delhi, mumbai, bangalore , there is a lot of options for carpooling. If you need delhi to noida carpool, delhi to gurgaon carpool you can find carpool services.
Carpooling is Good for the Environment
Less Pollution: As it clears Carpooling means more people in a single car, means 3 to 4 less cars on road,and what does that lead to? Less pollution! Less air pollution, less noise pollution, less carbon emission, less greenhouse gas emission.
Efficient Use of Land
Have you noticed the amount of space required for car parking. Every new building needs new car parking space. Suppose you want to open a mall in the city. Now you dont know how popular your mall is going to be. You have no idea of people are actually going to visit your mall.Buy you have to plan for a parking space for the customers. It is very difficult to do.A lot of space required for parking.This could be avoided by carpooling.
Carpooling is Good for You Too
Apart from these environmental benefits of carpooling, there is some personal benefits also:
Reduces travelling cost
Reduces fuel expenses
Lesser accidents
reduce stress of driving everyday
GreenCar is a NGO initiative to reduce traffic congestion and pollution on roads. Find more than 1000s of verified carpool options here.